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Keynote Lectures

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Georg Weichhart, Digital Transformation, Primetals Technologies, Austria

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Jose Barata, DEEC, Universidade Nova De Lisboa - Uninova, Portugal

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Fazleena Badurdeen, University of Kentucky, United States


Keynote Lecture

Georg Weichhart
Digital Transformation, Primetals Technologies

Brief Bio
Georg Weichhart studied Business Informatics at Vienna University, Lund University and received a PhD and a Venia Docendi from Johannes Kepler University, Linz. He was leading innovation projects and teams at universities, and production companies across Europe. His work in academia and industry focuses on approaches to integration and interoperability of cyber physical production systems, including Distributed Artificial Intelligence, IT / OT Convergence, digital tools for collaboration and Digital Transformation to name a few. 
In his current role as Digital Transformation Manager at Primetals Technologies he supports the development of innovative solutions for the green transition of the metals industry. 

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Keynote Lecture

Jose Barata
DEEC, Universidade Nova De Lisboa - Uninova

Brief Bio
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Keynote Lecture

Fazleena Badurdeen
University of Kentucky
United States

Brief Bio
Fazleena Badurdeen is the Earl Parker Robinson Chair Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Kentucky (UK). She is the Director for the Online Manufacturing Systems Engineering MS program and a core faculty of UK’s Institute for Sustainable Manufacturing. Prof. Badurdeen’s research interests are in sustainable and circular product design, measurement systems for circularity and sustainability evaluation, and modeling and analysis of manufacturing systems and supply chains. She has served as principal investigator (PI)/Co-PI for externally funded research in excess of $16 million and has published over 150 peer-reviewed papers. Prof. Badurdeen is the founding Chair of the International Forum on Sustainable Manufacturing and is an Editor for the Resources, Conservation, and Recycling journal and serves on the editorial boards of a number of other journals. Prof. Badurdeen is a Fellow of IISE. She received her PhD in Integrated (Industrial and Mechanical) Engineering and MS in Industrial Engineering, both from Ohio University, USA. She also holds an MBA from the Postgraduate Institute of Management, Sri Lanka and BS in Engineering from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 

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