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Special Sessions

Special sessions are very small and specialized events to be held during the conference as a set of oral and poster presentations that are highly specialized in some particular theme or consisting of the works of some particular international project. The goal of special sessions (minimum 4 papers; maximum 9) is to provide a focused discussion on innovative topics. All accepted papers will be published in a special section of the conference proceedings book, under an ISBN reference. The proceedings are abstracted/indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, INSPEC, Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST), Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus and zbMATH. CCIS volumes are also submitted for the inclusion in ISI Proceedings.


ESSMD 2024Special Session on Efficiency, Sustainability, and Specialized Manufacturing Design for the Industry 5.0
Chair(s): Juana Isabel Méndez and Pedro Ponce Cruz

COI5.0 2024Special Session on The cognitive operator in Industry 5.0
Chair(s): Åsa Fast-Berglund, Peter Thorvald Thorvald, David Romero and Dan Li

IAIE 2024Special Session on Industrial AI at the Edge
Chair(s): Ander Garcia and Xiao Lin

DTI5.0 2024Special Session on Exploiting Digital Twin to Bridge the Shift Towards Industry 5.0-driven Systems
Chair(s): Claudio Sassanelli and Concetta Semeraro

Special Session on Efficiency, Sustainability, and Specialized Manufacturing Design for the Industry 5.0 - ESSMD 2024

Paper Submission: September 20, 2024
Authors Notification: October 4, 2024
Camera Ready and Registration: October 14, 2024


Juana Isabel Méndez
Enabling Technologies, Tecnologico de Monterrey
Pedro Ponce Cruz
Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing, Tecnologico de Monterrey

This special session centers on cutting-edge enabling technologies that seamlessly integrate energy efficiency, sustainability, and dynamic, tailored interfaces within the Industry 5.0 framework. The session highlights innovative strategies, software, and hardware solutions to promote advanced intelligent industrial production and logistics systems. Emphasis is placed on sustainable, specialized design in manufacturing processes, which aim to improve conventional manufacturing methods.
Furthermore, this specialized manufacturing design emerges as an innovative solution that adapts seamlessly to production's technological, economic, and sustainability requirements. The session will explore how these enabling technologies can enhance energy efficiency, sustainability, and specialized manufacturing design, optimizing industrial processes and operations. Additionally, the specialized design is tailored to meet the specific needs of operators and industrial requirements, ensuring robust adaptability and performance.

Special Session on The cognitive operator in Industry 5.0 - COI5.0 2024

Paper Submission: September 20, 2024
Authors Notification: October 4, 2024
Camera Ready and Registration: October 14, 2024


Åsa Fast-Berglund
Stena Recycling
Peter Thorvald Thorvald
University of Skövde
David Romero
Tecnológico de Monterrey
Dan Li
Volvo Cars

In 2016, “The Operator 4.0” was introduced in order to raise the awareness of human-centric approach when designing technical solutions. In 2021 the cognitive operator was introduced with focus on cognitive ergonomics, cognitive automation and technologies supporting the operator. AI is increasing but there is still a lack of the human-centric approach regarding technical solutions to support the operators cognitive abilities.

Special Session on Industrial AI at the Edge - IAIE 2024

Paper Submission: September 20, 2024
Authors Notification: October 4, 2024
Camera Ready and Registration: October 14, 2024


Ander Garcia
Data Intelligence for Energy and Industrial Processes, Vicomtech
Xiao Lin

Cloud computing presents relevant drawbacks (mainly latency, privacy and security) for the Industry domain. Edge Computing faces these drawbacks, fostering Industrial AI applications running at Edge devices located at factories.
This Workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of research, innovation, practice and technological advances for Industrial applications of AI on Edge devices. The Workshop is focused on the state-of-the-art of theory and practice of several topics relevant for the successful deployment of Industrial Edge AI applications: from methodologies to design and benchmarkings for Edge AI algorithms, to Edge MLOps/AIOps architectures, Cyber Physical Systems, and Digital Twins.

Special Session on Exploiting Digital Twin to Bridge the Shift Towards Industry 5.0-driven Systems - DTI5.0 2024

Paper Submission: September 20, 2024
Authors Notification: October 4, 2024
Camera Ready and Registration: October 14, 2024


Claudio Sassanelli
Department of Mechanics Mathematics and Management, Politecnico di Bari
Concetta Semeraro
Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, University of Sharjah
United Arab Emirates

Industry 5.0, grounded on the pillars of human-centricity, resilience, and sustainability, integrates advanced technologies to develop intelligent and adaptable manufacturing environments. Among them, digital twins (i.e., a virtual emulation of actual physical entities through a digital model) enable real-time monitoring, simulation, and optimization of systems, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing resource consumption. In particular, digital twin technology (either alone or also integrated with other technologies and tools) provides exceptional opportunities to advance industrial systems and practices under an Industry 5.0 fashion. It can support the welfare of operators fostering their cognitive capabilities, enable more resilient data-driven processes inside organizations and throughout the entire supply chain, and also foster the reaching of a better efficiency in the use of resources and in systems operations, driving a sustainable shift towards circular economy. This session wants to explore how the digital twin technology could contribute to the exploitation of cognitive processes to address the Industry 5.0 concept and applications, with a major focus on its potential to drive sustainability.
