José Barata
Universidade Nova De Lisboa - Uninova
Brief Bio
Jose Barata is Full Professor at the Electrical and Computing Engineering, Member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctoral Program in Electrical and Computing Engineering at the NOVA-FCT, where he is currently responsible for the courses units Robotics, Systems Integration, Telerobotics and Autonomous Systems, and Robotics Systems and CIM.
He is senior researcher at the CTS – Centre of Technology and Systems at the UNINOVA Institute, where he is also coordinating the research group RICS – Robotics and Industrial Complex Systems (http://rics.uninova.pt), that develops res
earch in the areas of service robots and smart industry. RICS has more than 20 members, including 4 PhDs, 8 Phd Students, Master Students, and Technicians. Together with his RICS group he has won the INCM (Mint House and Official Print) INNOVATION Prize that was awarded in May 2018.
He is currently the scientific coordinator of the Collaboratory Laboratory aiming to boost Digital Innovation in Agriculture: the SFCOLAB: Smart Farm Collaborative Laboratory.
His main research interests are in the area of SMART Manufacturing (Industry 4.0) with particular focus on Complex Adaptive Systems, involving intelligent manufacturing devices, and Robotics systems, focused on multi robot interactions. For Industry 4.0 he has contributed to some of the basic concepts behind Industry 4.0, namely about intelligent modular components or cyber physical systems, and participated in some of the initial industrial demonstrators of these concepts, together with companies such as FESTO, SIEMENS, PHILIPS, and ELECTROLUX. For the Robotics area he has contributed to the development of all terrain, aerial, and surface vehicles.
He has published over 250 original papers in international journals and international conferences. He is a member of the IEEE technical committees on Industrial Agents (IES), Self-Organisation and Cybernetics for Informatics (SMC), and Education in Engineering and Industrial Technologies (IES). He is also a member of the IFAC technical committee 4.4 (Cost Oriented Automation). He has more than 7000 citations (https://scholar.google.pt/citations?user=4G8tKCsAAAAJ&hl=en)
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